Sureeporn PUNPUING
Given name: Sureeporn
Surname: Punpuing
Country of nationality: Thailand
Country of residence: Thailand
Mailing address: IPSR, Mahidol University at Salaya,
999 Phuthamonthon 4 road, Salaya, Nakhonpathom
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone (Home): 66-2-889-2761
Telephone (Office): 66-2-441-9520
Highest degree: Ph.D
Year: 1996
Institution: The Australian National University
Discipline: Demography/Environmental Sciences
Current employment/position: Associate Professor / and Director
Previous employment:
1. Population Affairs Officer. Population Estimates and Projection Section, Population Division, United Nations (Head quarter-NYC).
Other honorary or professional positions:
1. President of the Thai Population Association (current)
2. Elected IUSSP council members (Asia representative)
3. APA executive secretary
1. Punpuing, Sureeporn and Philip Guest. 2009. Migration and Agricultural Production in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. In the Dynamics of Migration, Health and Livelihoods:INDEPTH Network Perspectives, edited by Mark Collinson, Kubaje Adazu, Michael White and Sally Findley. Ashgate, pp: 65-80.
2. Abas, M.A., Punpuing, S., Jirapramukpitak, T., Guest P., Tangchonlatip, K., Leese, M. and Prince, M. 2009. Rural-Urban Migration and Depression in Ageing Family Members Left Behind. British Journal of Psychiatry, pp. 54-60.
3. Abas, M.A., Punpuing, S. Jirapramukpitak, Tangchonlatip, K. and Leese, M. 2009. Psychological Wellbeing, Physical Impairments and Rural Aging in a Developing Country Setting. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 7: 66. Published online 2009 July 16. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-7-66.
4. Korinek, K and Punpuing, S. 2012. "Household and Community Contexts and Youth School Drop-out: An Analysis of Kanchanaburi, Thailand," Comparative Education Review, 56(3):474-510.
5. Techasrivichien T, Darawuttimaprakorn N., Punpuing S., Musumari PM, Lukhele BW, El-Saaidi C, Suguimoto SP, Feldman MD, Ono-Kihara M, Kihara M.2014. Changes in Sexual Behavior and Attitudes Across Generations and Gender Among a Population-Based Probability Sample From an Urbanizing Province in Thailand. Arch Sex Behav. Springer, DOI 10.1007/s10508-014-0429-5.
6. Jirapramukpitak, T., Abas, M.A., Tangchonlatip, K., and Punpuing, S. 2014. The Effect of Asset-Based Wealth Inequality on Problem Drinking Among Rural Thai Elders: a Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study. Social Science & Medicine , 100: 107-114.
Institute for Population and Social Research,
Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Phutthamonthon,
Nakhon Pathom, 73170 Thailand This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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