Given Name: Bhassorn
Surname: Limanonda
Country of nationality: Thailand
Country of residence: Thailand
Mailing address: 525/223 Pornswang Nivate, Samrong Nua,
Muang District, Samutprakarn 10270, Thailand
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone (Home): 66-02-394-3871
Telephone (Mobile): 086-886-7015
Highest degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1981
Institution: Brown University, USA.
Discipline: Sociology-Demography-Anthropology
Current employment/position: Retired Professor
Previous employment:
1. Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok , Thailand
2. Dean, College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
3. Director, Institute of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Other honorary or professional positions:
1. Distinguished Senior Research Scholar, The Thailand Research Fund 2009
2. A member of Establishment Committee (EC) of Asian Population Association (APA) 2007
3. First APA Council Member (APA Executive Secretary) 2009-2010
1. "Motivation and Process of Marriage Migration: A Case Study of Thailand" in Population and Society. Vol.3 No.2. Seoul: Institute of Population and Ageing Research, HYU. 2007 pp.79-118
2. (with Pornpun Prajaknate), Situation Review of STI/HIV Prevention and Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Sex Work Setting in Thailand" UNFPA report, Thailand. December 2007 (99 pages)
3. Limanonda et al. The Study of the effects of migration and environment: Bangkok Metropolitan Area and Had Yai Municipality" in Sustainable urbanization and Human and Human Security in Asia. Population Research series No. 304. March 2002. Tokyo National Institute of Population and Social Security Research. Pp. 3-217.
4. "Exploring women's status in contemporary Thailand," a chapter in Louise Edwards and Mina Roces (eds.) Women in Asia, Tradition, Modernity and Globalization. Women in Asia Publication series. Australia: Allen and Unwin. 2000, pp.247-261
5. "Women in Development in Thailand" in Gender Dimension of Population and Development in South East Asia. Asian Population Studies Series. No. 150 New York: United Nations, 1999 pp. 114-134
Institute for Population and Social Research,
Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Phutthamonthon,
Nakhon Pathom, 73170 Thailand This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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