Page 143 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 143

279 The Shifting of Role of Parenting, from Mom’s to Dad’s: A Case Study of a Mix
               Culture Family in Indonesia

               Yenie Wulandari
               Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Banten, Serang, Indonesia


               6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship


               Globalization has  accelerated  the  process of  industrialization and  the  advancement of  information technology
               which eventually affected  social change. This  change triggered an  interesting shifting parenting role  between
               husband and wife due to the rising participation of women in the labor market which made an increasing number
               of women becoming head of households and a trend of husbands staying at home around the world.

               This is an on-going qualitative study to get a comprehensive picture related to the dynamics of their shifting role of
               parenting and its impact on their children. This study will use social role theory, social judgment theory, and social
               exchange theory. The subjects are three inter-ethnic married couples: Javanese-Minang,  Bantenese-Madurese,
               and Javanese-Sundanese in Banten province, Indonesia. This research uses data collection techniques through in-
               depth interviews. To  avoid  bias  on the  findings, the  researcher  will  use  triangulation data. The  results  are not
               intended to draw conclusions in general or  obtain generalizations, but to incite more studies in this area. The
               findings are expected to give a contribution to gender study and create a recommendation to minimize the impact
               of the shifting role to the children.

               1634 The impact of “Conservatives Turn” on Gender Roles and Status in Indonesian
               Modern Family: the Views and Experiences of Women in Jakarta

               Augustina Situmorang
               Research Centre For Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia


               6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship


               Reformation and democratization in Indonesia have provided wider room for progressive perspective on gender
               equality in politics, societies and within the family. Nevertheless, democracy has also facilitated the rise of Islamic
               fundamentalism which promotes conservative values to bring back Indonesian women’s progressive roles and
               positions to the domestic realm. These new challenges have affect women everyday life within the family as well as
               in the society. Based on semi-structure interviews involved 100 of women in Jakarta during the period of October
               2013 and January 2014 and 15 working women interviewed during October- November 2019, this paper explores
               the view of working women on their roles and status in domestics and public spheres. It reviews the challenges they
               face and the strategies they employ to balance their roles in their working place and family. The study found, women
               who  share different views on religious preaching with their husbands/parents have  experienced marriage and

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