Page 141 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 141

466 Socio-demographic Factors Affecting Migration Tendency of Iranians

               Maryam REZAEI , Rasoul SADEGHI , Gholamreza GHAFFARI
               1 University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.  National Institute of Population Research (NIPR), Tehran,
               Iran, Islamic Republic of

               5. Population Mobility (Internal and International Migration, including Refugees) and Urbanization


               The growing trend of emigration of highly educated and skilled people from Iran to other countries has received
               considerable attention from academics and policy makers. Thus, this study aims to examine the effects of socio-
               demographic factors on tendency to migration from Iran. The data is drawn from "National Survey of Social Capital",
               including 14,200 people aged 18 and over in all provinces of the country, both of urban and rural areas in 2015.  The
               results showed that almost one-fourth of respondents have high tendency to leave the country. Ordinal regression
               analysis  indicated  that  high  tendency of  emigration is  significantly associated  with  various  socio-demographic
               factors, such as; age, gender, education, marital status, SES, religion, and rural-urban residency. Young people,
               males, unmarried, and individuals with higher education and SES exhibit higher tendency to leave the country.
               Thus, the tendency of migration is varied on the basis of socio-economic and demographic factors. We discuss the
               implications of these findings to understanding of migration dynamics in Iran.

               861 Family, Kinship Structure and Marital Dissolution in Indonesia

               Premchand Dommaraju , Aisyah binte Yusoff
               1 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore.  University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United

               6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship


               What role does family and kinship structures have on marital stability? We investigate this question in the context
               of Indonesia which has witnessed dramatic changes in social and economic spheres over the last two decades.
               These changes are reconfiguring family and kinship structures and marriage. While families and kinship structures
               are acknowledged to play a important role in many aspects of marriage, their influence on marital stability has not
               been examined in Asian contexts. Indonesian society with bilateral kinship systems provides a unique setting to
               understand the links between marital stability and kinship and family systems. The study uses longitudinal data
               (Indonesian Family Life Survey) with information on family structure at the point of marriage and detailed marital
               history information and time varying covariates. The methodology is based on survival analyses. Preliminary findings
               suggest that for women staying with their natal family after marriage the risk of divorce is higher compared to
               women staying in nuclear households or with in-laws, net of other factors. The study’s findings are discussed and
               placed within the broader comparative literature on gender, family and marital stability.

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