Page 142 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 142

720 Age at Marriage in India- A Geospatial Analysis

               Aparajita Chattopadhyay, Akancha Singh
               International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India


               6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship


               India shows substantial diversity in age at marriage, particularly early marriage. This regional diversity in marriage
               timing accompanied by regional diversity in different dimensions of gender provides an excellent opportunity to
               examine the ways in which the gendered context might be linked to age at marriage. The study uses data from
               NFHS-4. District level analysis is performed using GeoDa and maps made separately for women aged 15-24 and
               15-49 to understand change in the pattern of mean age at marriage. Low mean age is observed in central and
               eastern states that stand below national average. However, some states stand out of the general regional trend.
               The percentage of females getting married before reaching the legal minimum age is high for states like Bihar, UP,
               Rajasthan, followed by West Bengal and Jharkhand. Women who have 15 or more years of education marry much
               later than those who have relatively lower years of schooling. Marriage under legal age of 18 for girls is still prevalent
               in India. Heaping of number of districts at exact legal age is evident in many districts. To curb low age at marriage,
               there is a need to address area specific interventions to change the mind-set.

               94 Fathers’ Involvement In Nurturing Children In Digital Age: A Case From Indonesia

               Sheilia Novitriani, Dahlya Sarahdina Parameswari, Rurul Yuliatin
               Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Banjarmasin, Indonesia


               6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship


               Nowadays, children use smart digital technology devices and spend more time on the internet. The implication is
               parents have to deal with new aspect of parenting. Moreover, division of labor in the household changed. Father’s
               roles are no longer limited as an economy provider, because mothers now enter the labour market. This requires
               fathers  to  take  part  in  childcare  along  with  mothers.  Father  has  an  important  role  to  maintain  best  quality  in
               parenting process. Previous research revealed that father’s presence in family especially for parenting children
               contributes to positive impact of child development. However, less is known about how fathers play their roles in
               order to get involved in child development related to parenting the children in digital age. There, this ongoing
               qualitative study aims to address how fathers nurturing children in digital age, especially on the role of fathers is
               supervising internet use by their children. This study used type of research is a descriptive study through in-depth

               Keywords: parenting, fathers’ involvement, digital age

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