Page 99 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 99

Keywords: adolescent pregnancy, education level, maternal health, dating, intrapersonal factors

               183 Is the family planning service already satisfying? (A study of clients’ perceptions
               on health care providers’ communication styles)

               Putri Maulidiana Sari, Duly Apika Sari

               National Population and Family Planning Board of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights


                Many  types  of  research  found  that  comfortable  interpersonal communication might  trigger satisfaction  which
               induces  continuation  on  contraceptive  use.  Unfortunately,  a  way  to communicate  with  clients  seemed  poorly
               intentions.  Thus,  examining  perceptions  of  clients  towards  communication  styles  in  family  planning  service
               providers is essential for better medical education level up to policy making references. By using the explanatory
               method, the research interviewed 385 contraceptive clients who obtained a family planning service in Jakarta in
               2017. 27-questions of Norton‘s Communication Style Measure version was applied in each communication style

               Summary of the main part:

               The result showed that there was a positive relationship between the perceptions of all communication styles since
               the  regression  coefficients  were  positive.   The  respondents  evaluated  the  more  friendly,  impression-leaving,
               attentive, relaxed, animated, and dramatic communication styles used by health-care providers would lead to the
               satisfaction of the services.

               Keywords: family planning service, Norton’s communicator style construct

               86 Communicating Family Planning to Men: A Case Study in Banten Province,

               Yenie Wulandari

               BKKBN, Serang, Indonesia. University of the Philippines, Quezon, Philippines


               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights


               Men’s  participation  has  a  major  impact  on  family  planning  because  it  can  accelerate  the  understanding  and
               implementation of family planning in general as well as easing the responsibilities carried by women in terms of
               sexual  and  reproductive  health.  This  study  uses  Bandura’s  Social  Cognitive  Theory,  Social  Role  theory,  and
               Information-Processing Theory. Data were obtained from 2012 Indonesian DHS for Banten Province in 2012 as well
               as informant interviews to explore the factors and issues that contribute towards the participation of men in family

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