Page 97 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 97

NPFPB/BKKBN, Jakarta, Indonesia


               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights



               This study focuses on the Province of Papua, Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara which is assumed that regions do not
               necessarily receive demographic dividend due to the still high fertility and the dependency ratio is remain high
               (Moertningsih,2018). The aim is  to identify components that contribute to high fertility in the effort to achieve
               demographic dividend. The norms, culture which coloring all life of families. The opinion of the ideal number and
               values of children, sex, marital patterns, age of first marriage, and use of contraception as to limit births, which
               determine the high fertility. Local government policies are not yet based on conditions of population structure and
               achievement of demographic dividend because of their lack of understanding. Need for family planning services
               policy by NPFPB directed at segmentation and target priorities in accordance with problems and needs, policies
               on the use of contraception remain focused on long term method, to involve traditional/religion leaders in program
               activities, especially on the value of children, patterns of marriage, young marriage, and optimizing the role of family
               planning field  workers  by improving the  quality of  sevices in  the  field.  Socialization, advocacy by  NPFPB  with
               partners about the age structure of population and demographic dividend.

               1494 Social, Economic, Demographic Factors and Proximate Determinants of Fertility
               in Papua Province (2017 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey Analysis)

               Syahmida S Arsyad, Darojad Agung, Arga Nugraha, Veronia Yorasaki
               NPFPB or BKKBN, Jakarta, Indonesia


               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights


                Total fertility rates in Papua fluctuate and are still high (3.31, 2017 IDHS). Many theories explain fertility is influenced
               by direct and indirect factors. Samosir's (2019) proximate determinant analysis of fertility based on the 2017 IDHS
               for Papua shows the joint effect of marriage patterns, contraceptive use and effectiveness, breastfeeding infertility
               in  suppressing  natural  fertility  is  the  weakest.  This  study  aims  to learn the  relationship  of  social,  economic,
               demographic factors to the proximate determinants of fertility in Papua using 2017 IDHS data and 658 women
               age 15-49 as unit analysis. Women aged 20-34 years have a greater chance to get married and have the opportunity
               to breastfeed 4 times higher than women at risk. Women with primary educations are 3.1 times more likely to use
               contraception than women who have not school. Marriage, duration of breastfeeding for women aged 20-34, use
               and effectiveness of contraception in women with primary education have an effect related with decreasing fertility.
               The  target  segmentation  needs  to  pay  attention  to  the age  of women 15-49,  especially  in  the  promotion  of
               postponement of marital age, use and effectiveness of contraception, breastfeeding. The intervention pattern of
               the fertility control program is adjusted to the intermediate determinant pattern.

                Keyword: Fertility, Demographic, Indonesian Demographic Health Survey

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