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morbidity and it has adverse impact on women’s health. The inequality in income among people affects the
               maternal health care utilization.

               Data and Methodology: The present study based on the third and fourth round of National Family Health Survey
               data. Bi-variate and multivariate logistic regression analysis has been used to estimate the relationship of
               utilization of maternal health care with socio-economic characteristics. Concentration index and concentration
               curve have used to show the health-related income inequality.

               Results: The result shows that place of residence, wealth quantile, education and exposure to mass media are
               dominant explanatory variables which were contributing approx 3 to 5 times higher share in overall inequality in
               utilization of maternal health care in India during 2005-16. In India the utilization of skilled birth services and
               postnatal care services were accelerated, and reached 83% and 64% respectively. However, the utilization of full
               antenatal care was just 22%, which still need a special attention for the betterment of maternal and child health.

               1568 Increasing Caesarean Delivery in Private Health Facilities is a Growing Concern
               in India

               SHRISTI GUHA, JYOTI DAS



               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights


               The  study  examines  the  partnership  of  private  and  public  caesarean  along  with  their  respective  share  in
               expenditures. The  correlates of  out  of  pocket  expenditure on caesarean births were  also  studied. Multivariate
               logistic regression, TOBIT regression model, MAN WHITTNEY test and categorical regression were applied on the
               75  round of NSSO data. Caesarean births in private health centers are more than the public health centers which
               shows that institutional factors have played a very important role behind the increasing rates of caesarean delivery.
               However, there is a great variation across the states of India. These variations show variation in quality, accessibility
               and affordability of maternal care services across the states of India It has also been observed that the number of
               caesarean deliveries in private among Muslims are very less as compared to the Hindus. The share of expenditure
               on public caesarean delivery is more in case of poor states and low in richer states. Caesarean births being more in
               private sector health facilities not only increase the cost of care but also leads to unnecessary risks to women. Thus
               the government should ensure that the caesarean deliveries are performed according to medical indications in
               both public and private sector.

               1552 Sex and Premarital Sex in India

               Pragati Ubale, Lahu Rathod
               International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, Mumbai, India


               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights

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