Page 103 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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variables from baseline survey with delay in first pregnancy from follow up survey was tested by cross-tabulation,
               Chi-square test and MLR.

               Results: Very few girls received family/sex life education during adolescence age in the survey setting. Spousal
               age gap and the women who are having a highly educated husband get support from her husband in delaying
               the first pregnancy.

               Conclusion: Family life/sex education programmes for adolescents and young girls are there however, very low
               coverage urges a need to relook the gaps and barriers of the implementation. Programmes to strengthen these
               skills among young girls can help them in the transition to healthy motherhood.

               839 Strengthening Maternal and Child Health Services for Indigenous Papuans:
               Evidence from Sorong and Tambrauw Districts, West Papua Province

               Widayatun Widayatun, Zainal Fatoni
               Research Center for Population LIPI, Jakarta, Indonesia


               10. Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)


               Maternal and child health issues among indigenous Papuans are part of human rights, so the fulfillment of adequate
               services is also the fulfillment of human rights. This situation is reflected by various indicators of maternal and child
               health among these population group which is still far below the national average. Based on a 2019 study using
               qualitative  approach  through  interviews,  focus  group  discussion,  and  observation  in  Sorong  and  Tambrauw
               Districts, this paper aims to provide alternative strategies for improving maternal and child health services in West
               Papua Province. The study found that maternal and child health services face various challenges related to the
               limitations of structural and socio-cultural aspects. Structural aspects are reflected in the form of health facilities and
               infrastructure as well as institutional and regulatory issues, while socio-cultural aspects are related to health service
               users’  customs,  habits  and  behaviors  starting  from  adolescence,  during  pregnancy,  during  childbirth,  until
               breastfeeding period. Therefore, this study recommends an upstream-downstream approach during the essential
               life cycle to improve maternal and child health services for indigenous Papuans. This approach should consider
               structural aspects as well as socio-cultural of these populations.

               1349 Why India Lack Behind the World in Term of Utilization of Maternal Health Care
               Services: Causes and Consequences

               Rahul Kumar Jha, Shriya Bajaj, Rambabu Bhagat
               International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India


               1. Future Challenges of Asian Population Dynamics


               Background: In India, health status of women and children is highly unsatisfactory. India stands far behind from
               many of other developing countries of the world. More population of women age 15-49 suffer from maternal

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