Page 85 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 85


               8. Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition and Population Ageing


               Aim: The study aims to examine the influence of current working status on health and healthcare expenditure of
               older person.

               Design: The analysis is carried out using 2  round of IHDS data (2011). Bivariate analysis was performed using
               Pearson’s Chi-square test. Moreover, the binary regression model was applied where the dependent variables are
               multimorbidity, and CHE. Further, the two-part model is used to estimate the OOPE.

               Result: The prevalence of NCD among older workers are 181 per 1000 (p<0.001). Further, by controlling other
               factors result of binary regression shows that the odds of multimorbidity among older workforce is 26% (p<0.001)
               lower compared to others. Moreover, the average monthly OOP payment for health care stands at ₹490 and ₹363
               for non-working and working population. The older worker pays 24.11% of their non-food expenditure on health
               care. The result of two-part model shows that older workers pays less compared to non-workers. The role of financial
               assistance schemes on out of pocket expenditure of older person is minimal but significant.

               Conclusion: There is need for better universal health schemes and strong public policy intervention or income
               generated schemes to provide old age population a sense of social and health security.

               PS 7.3 Life Course, Marriage and Fertility

               9:00 - 10:30am Thursday, 5th August, 2021

               Presentation Type LIVE Session
               Moderator: Gavin Jones , Sonyaruri Satiti

               1166 Effect of Life Course Events in Adolescence on their Mental Health Status in
               Early Adulthood

               Ravita Yadav , Preeti Dhillon
               1 International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India.  IIPS, Mumbai, India

               10. Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)

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