Page 90 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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1248 Onset trajectories of Tobacco Use in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: A
               Synthetic Cohort Analysis from Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)

               Pankhuri JAIN , Prashant K. SINGH , Shalini SINGH
               1 Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Noida, India.  WHO
               FCTC Knowledge Hub on Smokeless Tobacco, Noida, India

               8. Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition and Population Ageing


               Tobacco is a primary contributor to preventable morbidities and mortality. Monitoring of tobacco use, especially
               among youth is crucial as risk of health effects posed by tobacco are highest among those who start early.

               In a first-of-its-kind study, age of initiation of tobacco use (smoked (ST)/smokeless tobacco (SLT)) was analysed
               across India, Pakistan and Bangladesh using synthetic cohort. Data from Global Adult Tobacco Survey was utilised
               to determine Age of Initiation of tobacco use across six decades. This analysis will also include gender, type of
               product (Cigarettes, gutkha, naswar, etc.)  and geographical distribution. Factors and determinants associated with
               age of initiation will be analysed with relevant socio-economic characteristics and across regions.

               In India, in a span of six decades, the percentage of individuals initiating use of ST at the age of <15, has become
               distressingly six-fold. In Pakistan, 7.56% (95% CI 0.87-43.23) individuals aged 75-79 reported SLT use at <15 years,
               that number has risen to 11-times at 77.30% (95% CI 50.15-92.02) among those individuals who were between the
               ages 15-19 at the time of interview. These figures are a cause for concern as this points to the inability of the current
               tobacco-control strategies in taming this epidemic.

               590 An Analysis of the Resilience Process:  The Stimulus of Mental Strength and the
               Role of Community and Family Support amidst the Civil Violence in Thailand.

               Aphichat CHAMRATRITHIRONG , Aksarapak LUCKTONG , Aree JAMPAKLAY , Kathleen FORD
               1 Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Nakhon Prathom, Thailand.  School of Liberal
               Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.  School of Public Health, University of
               Michigan, Michigan, USA

               13. Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness etc.)


               Civil  violence has  been  occurring in  the  three  southernmost  provinces of  Thailand  for  an  extended  period  of
               time.   Despite the disturbance, the residents seem to maintain a high level of mental strength and well-being. This
               study  aims  to  investigate  the  progression  of  resilience  amidst  the  prevailing  violence,  the  gaining  of  mental
               strength, and retaining happiness in the context of prevailing family and community support.  A probability sample
               survey conducted in 2014 including 2,053 residents of the three southernmost provinces of Thailand was used.  The

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