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data set includes measures of demographic and socio-economic status, the occurrence of civil violence, mental
               strength,  happiness,  and  community  and  family  support.    The  structural  equation  model  reveals  a  resilience
               process where violence in the village appears to stimulate mental strength directly and that family and community
               support also have a significant and isolated positive impact on mental strength and level of happiness among the
               respondents.  In conclusion, violence can independently induce the  process of  resilience  by activating mental
               strength.     Family  and  community  supports  are  also  found  to  be  strong  determinants  of  mental  capacity and
               happiness.  Social policies to restore wellbeing of people in the vulnerable community are discussed.

               Keywords: resilience, mental strength, happiness, civil violence, community support, family support

               1325 Psycho-social Support is indispensable to cure Cancer patients: Experiences of
               patients across India

               Manasi Bawdekar , Ruby Ahluwalia
               1 Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai, India.  Sanjeevani Life beyond Cancer, Mumbai, India

               10. Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)


               The context of cancer care in India is characterized by swelling incidence rates, late detection, and lack of access to
               affordable quality care resulting in high mortality rates. Medical treatment still remains the only dependable line of
               treatment for cancer patients. Unfortunately, need of psycho-social support to deal with this life threatening and
               traumatic  illness  remains  completely  ignored.  This  paper  emphasizes  this  need  as  enunciated  by  350  cancer
               patients suffering from different  types of  cancer at  varying stages of  the  illness across different  cities of  India.
               Provision of emotional and social support through counseling and hand-holding was unanimously affirmed by the
               cancer patients themselves. It greatly helped them reduce their fears and anxieties, instill back self-confidence
               about  their  survival and  change their  outlook  towards  this  seemingly  fatal  disease.  The  psycho-social  support
               directly affected their treatment continuation and pace of recovery as clearly asserted by their family members and
               medical experts. Integrating psycho-social support into the medical treatment protocol is the need of the hour for
               better management of the illness with enhanced coping at all levels-physical, emotional and mental leading to
               improved survival rates.

               Special Session 2 - IPUMS “Data Usage for SDG

               Tracking and COVID-19 Research”

               11:00am - 12:30pm Thursday, 5th August, 2021

               Presentation Type LIVE Session
               Moderator: Jane Lee
               Speakers: Lara Cleveland and Sula Sarkar

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