Page 82 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights
There have been many studies on determinants of fertility rate, including those in Indonesia. There have been few
studies on the role of frequency of marriage on fertility, though women who are widowed and married more than
once have higher fertility. This paper contributes to this understanding by focusing on province of West Java,
Indonesia, which is known to have a high frequency of marriage and a higher fertility than that in the national level.
The data used is from 2018 Survey of Accountability Programs Performance covering 12,350 women aged 15-49
years, with 9,814 ever being married as the eligible sample. It uses several control variables: age of the first
marriage, frequency of marriage, and area of residence. The statistical test utilizes univariate, bivariate, and
multivariate analyses (significance level p=0.05). Bivariate results found that most of variables significantly related
to fertility, except the area of residence. Indeed, the most dominant variables related to fertility were age of the first
marriage and frequency of marriage. The women who marry at an older age with low frequency of marriage have
lower fertility. The conclusion was that women who have lower frequency of marriage have lower fertility.
Keywords: age, first marriage, fertility, frequency
621 Who are those Delaying Childbearing and why do they do that: A qualitative
Insight from Advanced Age Women in Mumbai
Aishwarya .
International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India
3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights
The emerging demography of delayed childbearing in urban India, particularly in urban metropolises signifies the onset of second
demographic transition with below replacement fertility. In developing countries like India, rise in delayed childbearing is a new
trend which has not been explored so far. This paper tries to explore the factors leading to delay in childbearing so as to know
whether it was an informed decision or it was due to lack of awareness among women. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews
conducted for 25 women who delivered their first child at age 35 and above in nine randomly selected hospitals of Mumbai, we
assessed life course events leading to delay in the timing of first birth. Most of the women who delayed childbearing were highly
educated and had higher economic status. We found that education, professional career, late marriage, medical reasons and
individual aspirations as important causes of delayed childbearing. The study found that diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid, poor
quality of eggs as common medical problems among the women interviewed. Most of them delivered with the help of Assisted
Reproductive Techniques (like In-vitro fertilization etc.). At the same time, most of them were satisfied with their decision to delay
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