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well-being.  Factors  strongly  associated  with  maternal  care  utilization  was  a  place  of  residence,  mother's  age,
               education, birth order, mass media and wealth index. Strategies need to be formulated for better utilization of
               maternal  health  care  services.  Financial  support  is  also  needed  for  the  mothers  as  a  major  proportion  are
               economically weaker.

               Keywords: Maternal, Health, Antenatal Care, Postnatal Care, Indonesia

               1235 Actualization of the Kampung KB Program in Overcoming Problem of Stunting
               in Purbalingga Regency

               Arum Fitria Ardiyani , Febrina Diah Prabarini
               1 Student of Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia.  Perwakilan
               BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Purbalingga, Indonesia


               14. Indonesia special sessions


               The study aims to analyze the actualization of the Kampung KB  Program in overcoming the problem of stunting.
               The  study  uses  Participatory Learning and  Action (PLA) methods,  data  collection through in-depth  interviews,
               observation, focus group discussions and documentation with interactive analysis. The selection of informants used
               purposive sampling, the research informants were village officials, Kampung KB  Working Group Managers, and
               Health  and  KB  cadres.  The  research  location was in Kampung KB  ‘Kencana  Sehati’ Purbalingga Regency.  The

               results showed (1) Specific interventions that  had  been carried out  include giving  taburia and  special milk  for
               stunting children, giving blood-added tablets for pregnant women and adolescent girls, antenatal care and folic
               acid administration, and supplementary feeding for pregnant women (2) Sensitive interventions includes improving
               the provision of clean water and sanitation facilities, preventing infectious diseases through eradicating mosquito
               nests,  managing  waste  through  waste  banks,  improving  the  quality  of  nutrition  and  health  services,  raising
               awareness, commitment and care practices through integrated holistic BKB activities, increasing access to nutritious
               food through farmer women's groups and fond of eating fish campaigns, socializing 1000 HPK, as well as routine
               counselling  in  activity  groups  (3)  Willpower  and  enthusiasm  of  the  management  of  the Kampung KB  Working
               Group and cross-sectoral cooperation have succeeded in reducing the stunting rate from 26.67% to 12.79%.

               1786 A Multilevel Analysis of Individual and Community-Level Factors Associated
               with the Birth Size of Child in the Last Two Decades in Indonesia

               Rahul Bawankule
               International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai, India


               14. Indonesia special sessions

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