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the proposed system provide better pay-out than in the existing pay-as-you go system; can the proposed system
               avoid  old-age  poverty;  can  the  retirees  maintain  pre-retirement  standard  of  living?  This  presentation  uses  a
               simulation with present value approach to find the answers. The conclusion is that the retirees may need to find
               other sources, not only depending on retirement pay-out, to create their old-age financial adequacy. It provides
               some lessons for other similar countries.

               1796 Digitalization, Big Data, and Demography

               Francesco Billari


               Technological change has shaped demographic behaviour throughout history. The digital revolution, or simply put
               digitalization, i.e. the diffusion of the Internet and of wireless communication technologies is no exception. On the
               one hand, ‘digital footprints’ provide new sources of big demographic data, opening novel research avenues and
               methodological challenges. On the other hand, the digital revolution is shaping demographic behaviors, and we
               will provide an outline of findings on the impact of digitalization. This novel field has exciting and big challenges
               for population scholars.

               1797 Demographic Trends in Southeast Asia: What Lies Ahead?

               Charles Hirschman


               Southeast Asian population forecasts for the 21st century are used to illustrate the progress and limitations of
               demographic science. From simple extrapolation to cohort component projection to probabilistic forecasts based
               on Bayesian hierarchical modeling, demography has made significant progress. However, demographers have
               frequently been surprised by unexpected population trends over the last century. In addition to a reliance on high
               quality data and statistical models, humility is an indispensable asset of demography.

               PS 6.1 Indonesian Session II

               4:30 - 6:00pm Wednesday, 4th August, 2021

               Presentation Type LIVE Session
               Moderator:  Solita Sarwono , Syahmida S. Arsyad

               1652 Using Education to Account for the Discrepancies between Past Projections
               and the Actual Population Numbers in Indonesia

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