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both small and large birth sizes attain lower levels of learning outcomes compared to children born with normal
               birth size. Findings also showed that children who were given postnatal care after birth had higher chances of
               attaining a greater learning score, however no significant result was found. The findings show the detrimental effect
               of early life experiences on the child learning outcomes in later ages. And urges to sensitize the individuals about
               the quality care across the maternal and child health continuum.

               PS 5.4 Labour Force

               11:00am - 12:30pm Wednesday, 4th August, 2021

               Presentation Type LIVE Session
               Moderator: Maria Midea Kabamalan , Evita Hanie Pangaribowo

               273 Labor force projections for India using microsimulation

               Guillaume Marois , Rakesh Mishra
               1 Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.  International Institute for Applied
               Systems Analysis, Laxemburg, Austria.  National Institute of Urban Affairs, Delhi, India

               11. Population and Economy: Demographic Dividend, Labor Market and Population Policies


               The  aim  of  the  communication  is  to  present  a  first  set  of  labor  force  projection  to  2060  for  India  and  its
               regions. Projections are made using a dynamic and time-based microsimulation model developed in  SAS. The
               population is first projected by age, sex, region, and educational attainment. Labor force participation status is then
               calculated using parameters from logit models taking into account those individual characteristics and the past
               fertility for women. The models also distinguish formal and informal work. Preliminary results show a strong increase
               of the labor force size, resulting from a strong increase of the working age population. The proportion of women
               among the workforce is however expected to stay low, as the expected extension of education and the decline in
               fertility will not be sufficient to sharply increase their labor force participation rates. However, women will massively
               switch from informal to formal work. We then built a policy-oriented scenario testing the impact of gender equality
               in the labor force. This scenario yields a labor force size about 60% higher than in the reference scenario. Therefore,
               the country could have a much greater benefit from the demographic dividend if women were more empowered.

               380 Harnessing Demographic Dividend in Bangladesh

               Ubaidur Rob, Nurun Nabi Talukder
               Population Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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