Page 34 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 34


               Based upon Beck’s individualization theory, as traditional norms loosen and people gain more self-agency, life
               courses are becoming more diverse and less predictable. However, due to lack of clear conceptualization, the work
               on individualization of life course is often abstract description of phenomena and its use often exhibits confusion.
               Moreover, without empirical analysis regarding the scale, pattern, and change of individualization of life course, the
               immediate acceptance and use of it may cause misinterpretation.

               Using data set that consists of life history data, the Taiwan Social Change Survey, 2017, this research aims to show
               the change of the individualization of the life course and explore the association of common social categories and
               the level of individualization. To better understand the content of life courses with high de-standardization and
               differentiation, Sequence Analysis is used to derive typical life courses patterns. The result shows that rather than
               chances  to  explore  new  paths  of  lives,  insecurity  and  instability  might  better  describe  the  concept  the
               individualization of the life course in Taiwan.

               1080 Spatio-temporal patterns and determinants of fertility transition in India, 1991-
               2016: a district-level analysis

               Sayantani Chatterjee

               International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India


               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights


               Fertility transition in India is of global significance and is characterized by large sub-national variations. Limited
               studies in India had examined the spatio-temporal patterns at the district-level. The objective is to provide the
               spatio-temporal patterns of fertility transition across the districts of India during 1991-2016. Descriptive statistics,
               bivariate  analysis,  spatial  analysis  and  OLS  were  used  for  the  analyses  drawing data  from  numerous  Sources-
               Census, 1991-2011, NFHS-4, DLHS-2 and SRS. TFR of India had declined from 3.63 in 1991; 3.2 in 2001 to 2.3 in
               2016. Further, around half of the districts of India had TFR above 4 in 1991. With the fertility transition underway,
               half of the total districts of India have TFR below replacement in 2015-16. The spatial dependency of TFR had
               declined over time. Fertility convergence among the districts occurred during 1991-2016; 2001-2016 and 2011-16
               and the speed was utmost in 2011-2016. Inequality in TFR across the districts was lowest in the high fertility states
               and was higher in the low fertility states in 2015-16. While there is an emerging optimism towards attainment of
               exact replacement-level in most parts, there remain pockets where specific intervention is needed especially those
               experiencing increasing fertility in the north-eastern districts and Mewat.

               PS 2.3 Health and Quality of Life

               12:30 - 2:00pm Tuesday, 3rd August, 2021

               Presentation Type LIVE Session
               Moderator: Rasoul Sadeghi , Hakimul Ikhwan

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