Page 30 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 30


               This belongs to the panel submission No. 1332. A lot of discussion has taken place on the relationship between
               happiness and health. Veenhofen (2010) proposed a measurement method of happiness and estimated ‘Happy
               Life Years (HLY)’. Chei (2018) showed a significant inverse association of happiness with all-cause mortality using
               the Singaporean data. The Longitudinal Study of Aging and Health in the Philippines (LSAHP) and in Viet Nam
               (LSAHV) were launched and the baseline survey was completed in 2019. These studies take in the items of CES-D
               (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression) Scale. Among those aged 60 and above in the Philippines, about
               93% of respondents answered they are happy. In Viet Nam, about 80% of respondents answered they are happy.
               In Japan, 6th wave of the World Value Survey conducted in 2010 indicates that about 85% of males aged 60 and
               above and about 94% of females are happy. Older adults in the Philippines seem to be happier compared with
               those  in  Viet  Nam  and  older  adults  in  Japan  show  gender  differences.  In  this  presentation, we  will  show  the
               preliminary results of LSAHP and LSAHV on potential indicators of happiness and discuss the possibility of cross-
               border comparison of happiness.

               PS 2.1 Demographic Data and Methods

               12:30 - 2:00pm Tuesday, 3rd August, 2021

               Presentation Type LIVE Session
               Moderator: Gu Xiaorong , Maria Gayatri

               401 Enhancing the Implementation of the Community-Based Family Information
               System Through Revitalizing the Village Community Institutions

               Rina Herartri, Muhammad Dawam, Wisnu Fadila, Septi Nurhayati, Wahyu Utomo

               BKKBN, Jakarta, Indonesia


               2. Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data


               The Family Planning Program has continuously developed its reporting and  recording system, which currently
               known as ‘Family Information System’. The system consists of three sub-systems: 1) family planning services, 2) field
               management, and 3) family enumeration. An operational research was conducted in 2019 at two villages in West
               Java and Central Java Provinces, with the aim to enhance the implementation of the field management sub-system.
               This sub-system collects routine data from community-based activities at hamlet, sub-village, and village levels.
               Three areas have been identified as barriers for the implementation of the sub-system, i.e. technical, organizational,
               and behavioral factors. This research proposes to integrate the sub-system into the structure of the existing Village
               Community Institutions (VCIs) which have been established in almost all villages in Indonesia since 1980s. This
               integration  simplifies  the  program  structures  at  grass-roots  level  and  enables  the  fieldworkers  to  focus  their
               supervision to the VCIs.  However, a revitalization process is required to strengthen the VCIs capacity in performing
               the new task. The process includes increasing the institution’s legal status within the village governance system,
               recruiting  computer  literate  millennials,  and  developing   a  working  mechanism  with  the  village  development
               planning system to increase the use of data and information.

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