Page 31 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 31

1536 Performance of an IVR Based Mobile Phone Technology and its Adoption by
               Rural Communities in India

               Supriya Verma, Laili Irani
               Population Council, New Delhi, India


               2. Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data


               Mobile Vaani is a unique intervention using mobile phone platform to share messages through pre-recorded
               transmissions in rural India. It utilizes program staff to build women’s capacity through centralized and hands-on
               trainings to use Mobile Vaani. This paper assesses the performance of system-based technology in reaching out
               the users and adoption of technology by the users. IVR system generated three datasets; one for call records,
               second for items heard by users and third for content recorded during the calls. The system captured 2.6 million
               call records during February 2017 to July 2018 through 44,664 users. The analysis shows that 19% of the calls
               were missed calls made by users to the program and 81% calls were made by system to the users. Of these 81%
               calls, 62% were out-bound calls (OBD) and the remaining were call backs. The findings indicate that the system
               has made more OBD calls than call backs; however, proportion of users answering the calls is higher for call backs
               as compared to OBDs (52% vs 21%). This approach can be adopted by various implementing partners working in
               rural communities as its voice-based nature transcends barriers of illiteracy, smartphones, or internet connection.

               108 A Novel Measurement Tool for Monitoring Male Involvement in Family Planning
               in Indonesia

               Dian Kristiani IRAWATY , Kemal N. SIREGAR , Rita DAMAYANTI , Wendy HARTANTO
               1 Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia.  Universitas
               Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia.  Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional, Halim, Indonesia

               7. Demographic Theory and Methods (including demographic training)


               As a patriarchal society, norms had made Indonesian males reluctance for family planning matters. Yet, there is no
               universal measurement of male involvement in family planning. This research aims to provide some insights on how
               to calculate male involvement in family planning based on the Indonesian context in 2007, 2012 and 2017.

               This study utilized couple-matched data from 2007, 2012 and 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Surveys.
               This study conducted a factor analysis for reducing a set of complex variables of male involvement in family planning
               as  measured  by husband's knowledge on contraception, husband's attitude about  family  planning, husband's
               attitude about contraception, dyad communication regarding family planning, contraceptive decision-makers, and
               contraceptive use. Scoring and transformation processes were conducted. The scores were classified into three
               categories (high, moderate and low) and analyzed by multinomial logistic regression.

               In conclusion, male involvement in family planning should be seen not only as users but also as partners and agents
               of change. The analysis reveals that male involvement in family planning in Indonesia during 2007, 2012 and 2017

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