Page 32 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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is low. Therefore, males and females shall be addressed in dyad communication and increase counseling by health-
               care professional and family planning workers.

               Keywords: dyad, male involvement, Indonesia

               791 Data Interoperability: Using census and health data in conjunction with social
               environmental data

               Sula Sarkar

               University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA


               7. Demographic Theory and Methods (including demographic training)


               The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals agenda proposes 17 goals and 169 targets emphasizing the
               need for the use of different kinds of data and information from varying sources and at different geographical scales
               ranging from national to local. This research demonstrates data interoperability and the use of differing kinds of
               data available from various sources at different geographical scales. The study visualizes 1) association between
               education attainment to domestic abuse perceptions of women 2) conflicts and violence and its effect on education
               attainment. Education attainment is measured using census microdata, domestic violence perceptions are available
               from the Demographic and Health Surveys, and fatalities and violence location are available from Armed Conflict
               Location and Event Data. For the purposes of this abstract, we display results from Kenya (circa 2009) and conclude
               that high education completion rates are not necessary areas where women's perception to wife beating is justified.
               Similarly,  high conflicts and  violence are  also  prevalent  in  areas  where  there  is  moderate  to  high educational
               attainment. The final paper will use additional data from Kenya and Tanzania and also Nepal and Bangladesh to
               portray change over time and display difference within countries, between countries and continents.

               PS 2.2 Fertility Transition

               12:30 - 2:00pm Tuesday, 3rd August, 2021

               Presentation Type LIVE Session
               Moderator: Turro S. Wongkaren , Febiola Tazrina Tazih

               242 Evolution and Determinants of the Second Birth Interval in Asia and Latin

               Harihar Sahoo

               International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India

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