Page 177 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 177

994 The Characteristics Of Multi-Deprivation Of Productive Age Women In Indonesia
               Year 2018

               Ayu Tiara Ashar Putri , Ekaria Soebijarto Hamid
               1 Central Bureau of Statistic, Batang, Indonesia.  Central Bureau of Statistic, Jakarta, Indonesia

               13. Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness etc.)


               Women still experience limitation to contribute and participate in development and it can affect their well-being
               and economies function. This limitation often caused by poverty. Poverty reduction is one of the ways to enhance
               women  well-being  and  close  the  inequality  gap.  The  measurement  of  poverty  is  approached  by  deprivation
               referring to the multi-dimensional poverty measurement developed by Alkire Foster. This study aims to see the
               condition  of   multi-deprivation  of   productive  age   women   in  Indonesia  in   2018 and  explore
               the main characteristics of multi-deprivation of women. Secondary data of Susenas 2018 is used in this study and is
               analyzed by using CHAID method. The result shows that 27.2 percent of productive age women in Indonesia in
               2018 experience multi-deprivation. It is revealed that the main problem of multi-deprivation of productive age
               women  in  Indonesia  is  caused  by  poor  quality  of  education.  The main characteristics  of  multi-deprivation  of
               productive age women are not accessing the internet, working in agricultural sector, living in rural areas, living in
               poor households, and being youth and elderly. The topic of multi-deprivation of productive age women can be
               used as a reference to develop targeted and comprehensive policies in tackling women poverty in Indonesia.

               617 Regional Trends and Gender Inequality in School-life Expectancy: A Study Based
               on the Year 1990-2018

               Anita Pal, Madhusudan J.V
               Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad, India


               13. Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness etc.)


               Using data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, we document global trends in school life expectancy (SLE) from
               1990-2018. Our findings indicate that the global SLE increased from 7.8 years in 1990 to years in 2018, and every
               region of the world shared in this growth, although the magnitude of the gains differs among regions. Sub-Saharan
               Africa ranked at the bottom of the regions which followed by South and West Asia and Arab states. North America
               and Western Europe were the top-performing region in 1990 (14.7 years) and remained so by a comfortable margin
               in 2018 (16.7 years). Worldwide, the gender gap was reduced from 1.3 years in 1990 to -0.07 year in 2018. However,
               Central Asia and Arab states were found high SLE in males than females. The changes in male-female school-life
               expectancy were improving in South and West Asia (3.2 years) followed by Arab states (1.7 years) and East Asia and
               the Pacific (1.5 years) from 1990 to 2018. In conclusion, almost in 3o years, School Life Tables indicate ongoing
               progress and improvement but with a tremendous amount of work still to be done to maximize school life and

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