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high fertility states. Health care facilities and education are well-established pivotal intervention that can change the
               overall fertility behaviour in the high fertility states and simultaneously protect their rights of informed choice of
               contraception and reproduction. Hence, the foremost issues that need to be addressed are the quality of care in
               family planning and unmet need for family planning rather than exercising punitive measures to decline family size.

               1783 Assamese Language in the Light of Census

               Puja Goswami

               International Institute for Population Science, Mumbai, India


               12. Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language


               Assamese is an Eastern Indo-Aryan language evolved from the middle Indo-Aryan Magadhi Prakrit. Fluctuations in
               the strength of Assamese speakers have indirectly portrayed the ethnic distribution, political and demographic
               changes over the years in Assam, India. In this paper, reports and tables on languages in Assam from the censuses
               are analysed and compared with the demographic changes in population structure, to find out probable factors
               responsible for dispersion and decline in the number of Assamese speakers. The language data of censuses before
               independence is marred with discrepancies. Some of the reasons for the same have been cited in this paper. The
               census data from 1991, 2001, 2011 has been compared and an interesting increase in the number of speakers
               between 2001-2011 has been analysed,  along with a probable estimation of speaker strength for 2021.

               733 Understanding spirituality, religiosity, and well-being in religious domination
               across the continents.

               Harshita Chari , Kailash Chandra Das
               1 International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India.  Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune,


               12. Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language


               Spiritual health is one of the four dimensions to well-being as defined by the WHO, which include physical, social,
               and mental. A lot of research has been done which goes on to show the effects, both positive and negative, that
               religion and spirituality can have on a person’s well-being. Almost all religions in the world give importance to
               spiritual and mental health, so we need to try and understand their effects. The major objective of the study is to
               explore the relationship between overall health and spirituality. We try to find if there is any difference in effects
               due to different religions. For this purpose, the World Values Survey, Wave 6 (2010-14) data for the countries of
               India, USA, Romania, Brazil, Algeria, Iraq, and Thailand are used as they belong to various religious domination i.e.
               Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. The variables that would be taken into account are  self-assessed

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