Page 182 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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and religion could be related to diverse population growth. Present analysis considered census data from 2001 and
               2011. In order to address the question of population composition of different religions in terms of distribution and
               concentration. We used a diversity measure called interaction index and shift-share analysis. Even though there is
               growth of population in all the religions in India, the growth is in its decline phase. Some of the regions have grown
               due to role played by regional factors rather than the religion factors. There is no much variation in terms of diversity
               of population over the period. The change in religious composition have been hardly noticed from these rounds.
               The growth of minorities in present Indian context may not be a future threat to majority populations. Muslims
               growth has been observed to even more at rapid decline phase as being Hindus.

               1635 The Correlation of Women’s Economic Participation and Demographic Window
               of Opportunity in I.R. Iran

               Mehrnaz Soleymanlou, Aliyar Ahmadi, Farshad Karami
               Shiraz university, Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of


               11. Population and Economy: Demographic Dividend, Labor Market and Population Policies


               I.R. Iran is experiencing a demographic window of opportunity. By using this opportunity country will benefit to
               harness Demographic Dividend(DD). According to result of the latest population & housing census in 2016, the
               proportion of population 15-64 are more than the dependent population. Women as almost half of the population
               can play an importantrole to achieve the DD. Therefore, economic participation of women is depending to several
               factors such as education, family income, fertility rate and all social and cultural issues. In this study the status of
               women participation in economic sector isanalyzed based on 2016 census data of Iran. The preliminary results
               indicate that 69.89 percent of population are in age groups of 15-64. This shows a dependency ratio of 43.08 for
               the total country. The ratio for men and women is nearly the same as 43.38 and 42.77 respectively. However, the
               rate of women participation in labor force is low, indicating the country is not using this capacity of the women.
               While 70 percent of male in15-64 ages are employed, only 14.38 percent of women are employed indicating that
               only 20 percent of employed population  in the country are women

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