Page 174 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 174

is more than double than that of the mean monthly income receiving to currently working women.

               1510 Examination of Intergenerational Occupation Mobility among Weavers of
               Varanasi, India

               Laeek Siddiqui , Sushrima Gan
               1 International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India.  University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom

               10. Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)


               An issue on which very few systematic and rigorous studies available in India. The paper examines intergenerational
               occupation mobility (IOM) among three generations of weavers. Using data from a primary study based on 364
               weavers from Varanasi, a district in the economically and demographically backward region of state of Uttar Pradesh
               in India. Mobility matrices have been used to assess IOM. We find there is not considerable occupation mobility
               historically among weavers. However, current generation of weavers has changed their occupation from weaving
               to other nonskilled work. About 92% of weavers (2  Generation) have same occupation (weaving related) as that
               of their fathers (1  generation). But 32% of weavers (3  generation) have chosen different occupations from their
               fathers (2  Generation). Due to less demand in weaving business in recent years. Weavers have become so poor.
               They  have  started  other  work  for  their  livelihood. Qualitative insights  reveal  that  due  to  extreme  poverty and
               illiteracy among this community youth started their meager traditional income through low and non-skilled work
               such as pulling cycle rickshaws, cleaning houses, or selling vegetables, fruits, etc.

               Population Dynamics and Analyses

               449 Strategic Policy of Practical Education Method to Improve HDI in West

               Ersa Tri Fitriasari
               BPSDM West Kalimantan, Pontianak, Indonesia


               13. Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness etc.)


               Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states that education is implemented through
               formal,  non-formal  and  informal  education  channels.  The  aims  of  this  study  are  to  identify  the  increase  in

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