Page 169 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 169

population  will  not  change  much  over  the  period.  The  Iranian  male  population  participation  rate  will  slightly
               decrease from about 74.5 in 2018 to 73.5 in 2028 while the female participation rate falls sharper from 18 percent
               to 16 percent during the reference period. The total rate of participation of the working-age population of the
               country is expected to decrease from 46 percent in 2018 to 45 percent in 2028.

               Keywords: Labor participation rate, Neural network model, Iran, MATLAB software.

               73 Empowering Indonesian Women In West Java Province, Indonesia Through
               Family-Based Economic Development

               Anindita Sekarpuri

               BKKBN, Bogor, Indonesia


               11. Population and Economy: Demographic Dividend, Labor Market and Population Policies


               Various attempts to tackle poverty in Indonesia have been carried out by the government such as Social Safety Net
               (Jaringan Pengaman Sosial /JPS) etc. However, these efforts have not produced satisfying results, because they
               have not been able to reduce the number of poor people.  This study aims to determine the involvement of women
               in family economic empowerment, the factors that influence and its benefits in increasing the role of women in
               realizing a prosperous family on Depok and Bogor, West Java Province Indonesia.  The design of this study is "
               cross-sectional " with a qualitative approach through the FGD (Focus Group Discussion ) to the key informants, while
               the supporting-depth interviews with informants. The results of the study show that family economic empowerment
               activities  tend to decrease or  be neglected, this is because  the  local  government's commitment in the  family
               economic empowerment program is not optimal as the focus of advocacy has been more on family planning and
               non-family planning programs in a comprehensive manner; and not all districts / cities have special institutions that
               are  responsible  for  handling  women's  empowerment  programs;  and  many  family  planning  voluntary  worker
               institutions that are no longer intact so that the family economic empowerment program is excluded.

               1573 Geographic Concentration of Occupations: Evidence from Census of India

               Vasavi Bhatt

               Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India


               11. Population and Economy: Demographic Dividend, Labor Market and Population Policies


               The paper contributes to literature on spatial distribution of economic activity. We focus on spatial concentration of
               workers by occupations at sub-national (district) level in India. We use detailed data on 432 occupations classified

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