Page 154 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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can be used to track the post-disaster recovery overtime and identify least improved sector and area. We learn that
               post different degree of damage and sector has different recovery trend. Therefore, different recovery policy might

               57 Why do people behave towards the environment in the way they do? Results of a
               qualitative study in South Sumatra, Indonesia

               Marpaleni Marpaleni , Gouranga Dasvarma , Udoy Saikia
               1 Statistics, South Sumatra, Palembang, Indonesia.  Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

               9. Population and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development


               A survey of 490 household heads from five of 17 districts of South Sumatra, representing the eastern, northern,
               western, southern and central regions showed that the majority exhibited environmentally unfriendly behaviour
               (Marpaleni. 2019. Doctoral thesis, Flinders University, Australia). To unravel their causes, 10 focus group discussions
               were held with household heads living in those five regions but not selected in the survey. The focus groups,
               containing  10  households  each  were  gender-balanced  and  socio-economically  homogeneous.   The
               discussions were recorded, transcribed ad verbatim  in Bahasa Indonesia, translated into English, cross checked
               and analysed by salient themes as recommended by Braun and Clarke (2006)Weblink2. The analysis revealed the
               following  attitudes  relating   to  poor  environmental  behaviour:  “it  is  all  right  to  copy  others’  environmentally
               unfriendly activities if socially acceptable”;  “somebody else will do it”;   “environmental protection/ neglect is an
               individual matter, and no one should  reprimand others”;  “certain groups exhibit specific environmental behaviour
               (stereo-typing)”;  “being  environmentally  friendly  is  inconvenient,  complex,  impractical,  inefficient,
               uncomfortable”;   “it is not urgent yet - unfriendly activity is a small matter with little environmental impact”.  Barriers
               to  good  environmental behaviour include economic  constraints, lack  of  public  facilities, poor  knowledge  and
               awareness about good environmental behaviour and weak law enforcement.

               1495 Extreme weather events and population displacements in the world

               Kaoru Kakinuma , Michael Puma , Yukiko Hirabayashi , Masahiro Tanoue , Emerson Baptista , Shinjiro Kanae
               1 Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.  Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.  Columbia University, NY, USA.
               4 Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.  National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan.
               6 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
               9. Population and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development

               Assessments of climate change impacts on human security are one of the urgent issues in the world. Especially,
               extreme whether events such as floods often cause population displacements that force people to change their

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