Page 152 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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               The social security and the health programs and policies are inadequate to fulfill the requirements of increasing
               older population in India. Consequently, they continue to engage in the workforce even after the retirement age
               (60 years and above). Therefore, this study aims to examine the level and trend of older workforce in India and, to
               accesses the determinants of their later life work engagement. In this study, the analysis carried out using two
               different data-sets: The Census of India and the Indian Human Development Survey. Firstly, the percentage of older
               workforce is calculated by age group, gender and place of residence. Secondly, Pearson’s Chi-square test is used
               to study the association. Finally, binary regression model is applied to check the factor associated with later life
               work engagement. More than one-third of the older people in India are engaged in economic activity. The increase
               in workforce participation is observed among older women. Further, the working status of older people is affected
               by their age, gender, education, wealth, place of residence, financial assistance and multi-morbidity. Therefore,
               there is a vital requirement for strong public policy intervention and income generated schemes to provide old age
               social security in the form of financial assistance.

               18 Determinants of longer working life & ability to work among elderly (65+) in

               VIJAY KUMAR MISHRA

               Public Health Foundation of India, Gurugram, India


               8. Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition and Population Ageing


               Background: This study focuses on enhancing the longer working life of aged living in European countries.

               Objective: This study has mainly two objectives-First objectives is to study geo-spatial distribution of Healthy Life
               Expectancy (HLE) and work share (WS) with perception of good health among elderly (65+). Second objective is to
               study association of HLE and work share (with perception of good health) with health determinants among elderly

               .Methods: This study is based on the data available in the database of Eurostat (2017). This study included data of
               aged (65+) living in 25 countries of European Union. GeoDa software was used to create spatial distribution of HLE
               and WS. Linear regression was used to study association of HLE and WS with health determinants.

               Results: It is clear from the facts based on data that health life expectancy as well as duration of working life are
               higher in Iceland & Switzerland than other Western European countries while the same are lower in Belgium and
               Italy. Perception and capability to work are indicators that determine the working life.

               Conclusions: Health life years or healthy working life can be enhanced with the increase in health life expectancy
               based on self-perceived health.

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