Page 150 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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health among older persons in Indonesia. This study aims to examine of this relationship using data collected
               through nationwide survey of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013 and select respondents aged 60 and above.
               Health is  measured as  self-rated health. Happiness is measured using 2 questions asking about the feeling of
               happiness and crying more often than usual. The findings using structural equation for binary outcomes show that
               controlling for other variables, the relationship between happiness and self-rated health among older persons in
               Indonesia is strongly interdependent. Happy older persons are more likely to be healthy, and  vice versa. This
               pattern  is  similar  for  the  two  variables  of  happiness.  Socio-economic-demographic  variables  are  significantly
               associated  with happiness and  health. Age has  a positive relationship with happiness, but age  has a  negative
               relationship with health. Having a job is important for the psychological well-being of older persons.

               1153 Competing Demand on Financial support between Grandparents and
               Grandchildren in China: The Importance of Taking a Three-generation Perspective

               Wu Min , Yang Jianlei , Ma Lin
               1 Collaborative Innovation Center for Health Insurance Reform, Hubei university of Economics, Wuha, China.
               2 School of Economics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China.  Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou,

               6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship


               Many Chinese middle-aged adults are in the situation of supporting the elderly and raising dependent children.
               With family resource constraints, there is a competition and conflict between the elderly and the young. Using data
               from the China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey conducted in 2014, the study explore the association of having
               underage grandchildren (the third generation) and financial support receiving from adult children (the second
               generation) for the elderly (the first generation). Results show that downward intergenerational support is mainly
               existing in the family and adult children receive more financial support from their old parents. Having underage
               grandchildren negatively associated  with the financial support receiving  from  adult  children  for the  elderly.
               Financial support from adult children for the oldest old is significantly higher than that of the young old. Judging
               from the interaction between age and underage grandchildren, the oldest old who has underage grandchildren
               do  not show  any advantages of  intra-household resource  allocation. These  imply  that  Chinese family  resources
               are transferring  from  the  old  to  the younger  generation,  and  the  traditional concept “fostering you  young,
               raising me old” has greatly changed in the modern society.

               1432 Socioeconomic factor, ageism, and happiness of Thai older persons

               Jirawan Phuaphae, Yothin Sawangdee

               Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Nakhon pathom, Thailand


               8. Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition and Population Ageing

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