Page 159 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 159


               10. Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)


               The  era  of  global information that  we  are  currently facing promises  a  variety of  amazing  sophistication in the
               implementation of data communication technology. Various innovations in the field of information systems will be
               very useful if applied primarily to overcome various obstacles due to limited space and time, especially in dealing
               with adolescents aged 10-24 years who are dynamic and have a high curiosity. Data on the number of adolescents
               aged 10-24 years in West Java in 2018  has reached 10,849,182 young people. This study discusses the use   the
               Generasi  Berencana/GenRe  Apps  on  smartphones  as  one  of  the  efforts  to  achieve a  healthy and  responsible
               condition of  adolescents through the  empowerment  of  adolescents. This  study uses  a  Pretest-posttest control
               group design method with one treatment.  After completing the treatment of the two groups , a qualitative study
               Focus Group Discussion to the youth in Bogor Regency by asking opinions from youth. This study conclude that
               teenagers  who  use  the  genre  apps  have  a  better  understanding  and  argued  that  the  application  should  be
               maintained and enhanced its content regarding issues of adolescent reproductive health with through strategies
               tailored to the conditions of each region and the support from many sides material and non-material.

               1616 Assessing the long-term effects of participation in a gender transformative
               programme in adolescence: A follow-up study of young men in Bihar, India

               AJ Francis Zavier, KG Santhya

               Population Council, New Delhi, India


               10. Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)


               While a few recent interventions to change gender norms among young men have shown that exposure to gender
               transformative  programmes  resulted  in  a  change  in  their  gender  role  attitudes,  the  extent  to  which  newly
               internalised gender egalitarian notions are sustained over time remains unexplored in India. Drawing on a follow-
               up study of participants in a gender transformative programme, the paper assesses whether the positive shifts in
               gender  role  attitudes   and  abhorrence  of  violence  against  women  and  girls  observed  among  intervention
               participants were sustained over time. Out of the total 1,033 participants of the original cluster randomised trial
               conducted during 2013-15, we re-interviewed 853 respondents in 2019. We used Generalised Estimating Equation
               model to examine the sustained impact of the intervention.

               Findings show that positive shifts in gender role attitudes  and abhorrence of VAWG observed among programme
               participants soon after the completion of the trial were sustained over time, and that exposure to the intervention
               reduced the perpetration of violence within intimate partnerships.

               Findings highlight the importance of exposing boys and young men to gender transformative programmes and
               ensuring their regular attendance to reduce VAWG in India.

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