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disparities among enrollment of CWSN children across the social groups which show that CWSN children in India
               are facing double discrimination due to hierarchical social order of society and their disabled identity.

               1244 The Stories of Filipino Pregnant Teenagers and Teenage Mothers During the
               COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis

               Gloria Luz Nelson , Mari Juni Paulette Gonzales
               1 University of the Philippines Los Banos, Los Banos, Philippines.  Child Development centre, Makati, Philippines

               10. Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)


               This article was the result of the screen-mediated in-depth interviews conducted with 18 youths, 16 to 20 years old
               who are 28 percent pregnant, 61 percent mother and 11 percent were both pregnant and mother during the
               COVID-19 pandemic community quarantine. It aims to know the meanings of the youth on their experiences based
               on their circumstances, as pregnant, as mothers, and as pregnant mothers. From their stories, three dominant
               themes emerged. Those in a broken relationship living with parents, those living with partners living either with
               their own family or the family of the partners and those that are married living in their own homes. Results show that
               the youth never use contraceptives and therefore their pregnancies are unplanned or accidental but their babies
               are never unwanted. Financial and social support came from the partner and relatives. The majority (78%) had
               dropped out of school however,  61 percent of them plan to continue their studies. Despite the many burdens that
               the  youth are  experiencing like lack  of stable  income, being either in an  unstable or  broken relationship, low
               educational attainment, and no permanent homes, most youths in the study are optimistic for a better life.

               1102 Child Migration And Their Working Status – A Study Based On 2001 And 2011


               Shalini Sen

               International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India


               10. Special population groups (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)


               The main aim of this paper is to study the unique yet growing feature of migrant child workers.Youth make up a
               disproportionate share of the world’s migrants; about a third of the migrant flow from all developing countries is in
               the age range of 12 to 24. According to the Census of India, 2011 more than 74 lakh children have migrated within
               the span of ten years, of them more than 39 lakh are male and 36 lakh are female.

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