Page 9 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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Association website at least six months after this conference. If you are interested, you

               can contact the authors through their e-mails.

                   We had two plenary sessions with the first on Demography and COVID-19, and the

               second  on  Anticipating  the  Future  Population  issues,  including  the  Presidential

               address. There were two special Sessions, one was a speech from National Population

               and  Family  Planning  Board,  Republic  of  Indonesia  on  stunting  in  Indonesia,  and

               second from IPUMS (Integrated Public Use of Microdata Series) on how to access free

               data for population research and analysis. One roundtable discussion was conducted

               by IUSSP (International Union for the Scientific Study of Population) Sscientific Panel on

               International Migration on strengthening the knowledge base for policy. Please visit

       for  themes,  abstracts,  authors,  and  pre-recorded  video/  poster

               presentations during this conference.

                   Now, looking at the future, will we have other virtual conferences?  As I have been

               going  through  the  pandemic,  I  found  that  virtual  conference  may  have  some

               advantages over the traditional, in person conference. With virtual conferences, we

               save  a  lot  of  money  (for  ticket,  accommodation,  living  expense,  and  visa).  The

               registration fee is also much lower, only US$25, much below over $400 in the previous,

               traditional conferences.  We also save travelling time a lot.  We do not have to take

               leave from our jobs. We can just choose some sessions we want to join. For those with

               physical limitations, virtual conference allows them to enjoy the conference. The young

               scholars, older people and retirees, for example, may have more opportunities to join

               the conference.

                   Sure, there are also many disadvantages of having a virtual conference, such as

               inability  to  have  informal  gathering  outside  the  conference  and  even  presentation

               rooms.  But,  I  believe,  advanced  technology,  including  tele-  robotic  technology,

               artificial intelligence technology, and tele-hologram technology will be able to make

               the virtual conferences much similar to in-person conferences.

                   Therefore, a hybrid conference can be the new tradition in the post-pandemic era.

               Some people prefer the in-person conference, and other prefer virtual conference.

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