Page 13 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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Message from Deputy Regional Director
UNFPA Asia and Pacific Regional Office
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning and a very
warm welcome to the 5 Asian Population Association
Conference. On behalf of the United Nations
Population Fund for Asia and the Pacific, I would like to
convey a special thank you to the Indonesia Ministry of
Tourism and Creative Economy, to BKKBN, and to
UGM for kindly hosting this virtual conference,
together with APA.
I would also like to express our appreciation to all of you moderators, speakers, and
participants for taking time to be with us today.
With 4.7 billion people, Asia is home to 60% of the world's population. The region
is experiencing extreme diversity and dynamism in population and development.
Some countries have demographically transitioned to low rates of fertility with rapid
ageing. Others are among the world’s youngest countries, yet to enter the
demographic window of opportunity, still struggling to reduce maternal and child
mortality, while facing challenges of reducing unmet need for family planning with
large unplanned family sizes, amidst continuing poverty.
Some of the most intractable population megatrends that have emerged are rapid
ageing, population decline and low fertility, urbanization, migration as well as the
consequences of climate change. This conference provides an incredible opportunity
to explore these topics in depth with like-minded professionals.
The region has experienced some of the fastest sustained economic growth rates,
with rapid development in information and innovative technologies. But, while
significant progress towards poverty reduction was made prior to COVID-19, primarily
through economic growth-centred policies, these gains have been erased by the
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