Page 12 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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practices such as child marriage. Indonesia has been integrated the agendas into the

               National  Mid-term  Development  Plan  and  Government  Annual  Work  Plan  at  the

               national level and Mid-term Regional Development Plan and Regional Annual Work

               Plan at the regional level.

                   Indonesia  is  also  actively  involved  in  international  forums  on  population  and

               development issues, such as the Commission on Population and Development 54th

               Session  this  year,  highlighting  the  interlinkages  of  nutrition,  food  security,  and

               reproductive health. Ensuring proper nutrition to optimize pregnant women, mothers,

               and  newborns  is  also  one  of  our  priorities  especially  preventing  newborns  from

               malnutrition  and  stunting.  The  linkages  between  family  planning  and  reproductive

               health  on  those  issues  have  been  made  BKKBN  as  the  national  coordinator  to

               accelerate the stunting reduction program in Indonesia mandated by the President of

               the Republic of Indonesia to achieve a 14 percent stunting prevalence rate by 2024.

                   I am sure that the presentation materials, posters, discussions, and exchange of

               ideas  will  enrich  the  justification  of  population  experts,  increase  scientific  views  in

               policymaking, and  contribute to demographic progress not only in Asia but  in the

               world. For that, we congratulate and thank the Centre for International Training and

               Collaboration (PULIN) BKKBN, APA Secretariat, UNFPA, Gadjah Mada University, and

               Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy for organizing this significant

               forum in 2021.

                   Hopefully, the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon so that we can meet each other

               physically  and  face-to-face  to  discuss  directly  and  enjoy  the  beautiful  exchange  of

               culture and tourism between countries.

                   Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

                                                               Dr. (H.C.) Hasto Wardoyo, MD, OBGYN (c)


                                                                        BKKBN,the Republic of Indonesia

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