Page 56 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 56


               Participation in the workforce and the position of the head of household in Malaysia are more likely to be men than
               women. This indicates the roles of fathers in shaping the future of a family undoubtedly very important. This paper
               aimed to examine the association of work-family conflict with socio-demographic characteristics among working
               fathers in Malaysia. In this study, the data was obtained from the 2014 Fifth Malaysian Population and Family Survey
               (MPFS),  which  includes  3364  married  working  men  aged  15-59  years  with  children. Data  were  analysed  with
               descriptive statistics and the Chi-Square test of association. Findings showed about 15 per cent of the fathers had
               experienced  the  work-family  conflict.  The  conflict  was  also  found  associated  with  socio-demographic
               characteristics, namely strata, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, and educational level. Meanwhile, the state
               found to be not a factor that contributed to the work-family conflict among the fathers. In conclusion, it is important
               for policymakers and managers to provide supports and initiatives in meeting the needs of working fathers through
               family-friendly programs.

               409 Insights Into Well-Being of Dual Earner Families in Malaysia: Findings from the
               Malaysian Family Well-Being Index Study 2019

               Ahmad Rasyidee ABDUL RAZAK , TEY NAI PENG , Nur Airena Aireen AZMAN
               1 National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  University of Malaya,
               Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

               13. Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness etc.)


               Traditionally in Malaysia, males are considered as the bread earners of the family while females are the home
               makers, but the trend is changing today. With the support and opportunities provided, more female has been
               participated in labour market and considered as equal partner in sustaining their family. Even though this situation
               is well-thought-out as one of social success, it has also brought up in numerous problems especially of family well-
               being. By using the Malaysian Well-Being Index Study 2019 data comprising of 1,415 dual earner parents with
               children aged between 3 to 24 years old, this paper analyses the level of well-being and assesses the challenges
               faced in sustaining livelihood. The analysis found that the level of well-being among dual earner parents in the
               country is at the moderate level. The result of this study also shows that nuclear and high income family are having
               better  well-being  score  as  compared  to  their  counter-parts.  Also,  despite  of  analysing  the  characteristic  and
               challenges faced by dual earner families in the country, it is hoped that a better policy interventions recommended,
               in relation to work-life balance initiatives, be able to be implemented near future to improve the well-being of these
               dual earner families.

               1504 Perceived Utility of Having a Child and Family Formation in Contemporary

               Chizu Yoshida

               Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan

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