Page 44 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 44

personnel. At the same time, there were people who not even welcoming these measures but supported and
               helped the government.


                   1.  To examine the spatial and temporal pattern of mortality because of the plague.
                   2.  To examine the social composition of plague specific deaths
                   3.   To discuss government policies to control over plague
                   4.   What was the social acceptance regarding measurements of the plague?

               1455 How much does the effect of the size of conditional cash transfers in reducing
               childhood mortality differ in contrasting healthcare functioning systems? A
               comparative analysis of Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in India

               Parul PURI , Apurba SHIL , Srinivas GOLI , Srinivasa Vittal KATIKIREDDI
               1 International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India.  Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba,
               Israel.  The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.  University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
               4. Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology and Causes of Death


               Health is under state government list in the schedule seven of the constitution of India, although central government
               funds 100% for all its flagships programmes such as Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), some states make significant
               contributions to it. JSY is a conditional cash transfer (CCT) programme launched in 2005. The state of Uttar Pradesh
               [UP] does not add any additional amount to centrally transferred benefit of Rs.1400 for rural and Rs.1000 per urban,
               while Tamil Nadu [TN] contributes significantly from the state budget as well, in total provide Rs.18000 for each
               woman delivered at the facility. Thus, we examined the effect of this differential CCT in child survival stratified by
               economic status in these two selected states using the latest NFHS (2015-16) data. The findings suggest that the
               probability of death vary significantly for children with women availed JSY than those who are not, in both states.
               However, in TN, the higher size of CCT makes it more impactful on child survival than UP. Further, it suggests mere
               availing of JSY, although improve, but not ensure the catch-up in survival chances of children in UP at par with TN,
               unless former raise CCT incentive at par with the later.

               611 Poverty alleviation, improving equality in access to basic health services, and
               mortality decline in China

               Zhongwei Zhao , Hongbo Jia , Mengxue Chen
               1 Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.  Beihang University, Beijing, China

               4. Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology and Causes of Death

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