Page 40 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 40
Human population are closely linked with the environmental system both through the impact of population
dynamics on the environment and as an agent being affected by environmental changes. Demography as a
discipline that studies population-related phenomena particularly change in population size, composition,
distribution and characteristics in a systematic manner thus is highly relevant to environment and climate change
issues and other global challenges. This talk focuses on how demographic perspectives can shed light on the
understanding of differential vulnerability both to climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. This encompasses
empirical analyses of who is vulnerable to different types of hazards as well as application of population projections
to forecast future vulnerability and adaptive capacity.
The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Movement of People.
Deepak Nayyar
This presentation will seek to analyze the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the movement of people, with a
focus on its economic aspects. In doing so, it will make a distinction between such movements within countries from
rural hinterlands to urban settlements, and across countries from labour-surplus to labour-scarce countries in Asia.
The impact ranges from reversing migration flows to curbing migration flows. In either case, it has had a profound
adverse impact on the livelihoods and wellbeing of people, with a disproportionately large burden on the poor.
Moreover, it is unclear, possibly uncertain, whether the post-pandemic world will return to what it was earlier.
PS 3.1 Adolescent Sexuality and Reproductive
4:30 - 6:00pm Tuesday, 3rd August, 2021
Presentation Type LIVE Session
Moderator: Ekawati Sri Wahyuni , Theodora Pandjaitan
1287 First Blood: Determinants of Menarche among Indonesian Girls Born between
1988 and 1997
Evi Nurvidya Arifin
Centre for Advanced Research, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam
3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights
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