Page 42 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
P. 42


               Recent data reveal some of the reproductive health (RH) challenges faced by the youth of Indonesia. Preliminary
               findings from the 2017 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (2017 IDHS) show that levels of contraceptive
               prevalence and antenatal care (ANC) have declined, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and stillbirth rates have
               increased and mothers under 20 are giving birth to more low birth weight (LBW) babies. Moreover, proportionately
               fewer of the male youth have knowledge about pregnancy risks and of HIV prevention.

               Based on the first author’s ongoing PhD  research at  Flinders University, this paper aims  to  answer the question
               why the  youth  RH  situation  in  Indonesia  has  deteriorated  in  recent  years. This  question is  being
               addressed by analysing the causes of the deterioration in the prevalence contraceptive use, stillbirth rate, ANC,
               LBW babies,  STIs,  knowledge of pregnancy risks and HIV prevention among the youth of   Indonesia. A youth
               reproductive health  index  (RHI)  will  also  be  constructed, by  using data  from     the  2017 IDHS  including Youth
               Reproductive Health. These will be supplemented with data from in-depth interviews of a sample of youth in Aceh
               province, where the challenges of youth RH are among the greatest.

               1467 Male involvement and utilization of postpartum and newborn care services
               among married young women in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh

               AJ Francis Zavier
               Population Council, New Delhi, India


               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights


               The objective of the paper is to see how male involvement in Reproductive and health care (RCH) influence the
               utilisation RCH services by 3,027 mothers aged 15-24 years who had delivered a baby during the last two years
               prior to the survey. First, an index of male involvement in RCH services was constructed based on questions to
               women about whether their husband encouraged them to access services, accompanied them, gave money for
               services or took decisions about service use. The average value of the index of male involvement in RCH 7.0 on a
               scale of 0-13. The multivariate analyses suggested that the index of male involvement is significantly positively
               associated with postpartum check-up within seven days of delivery (OR 1.3), full immunization (OR 1.1) and were
               more likely to adopt modern postpartum contraception (odds ratio 1.2) as compare to young women who did not
               have male support. The study expands knowledge base of male involvement in RCH.

               PS 3.2 Healthcare and Policy

               4:30 - 6:00pm Tuesday, 3rd August, 2021

               Presentation Type LIVE Session
               Moderator: Saswata Ghosh , Mario Ekoriano

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