Page 24 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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most fecund ages but still seems approaching urban fertility levels. All indicators of fertility show that estate fertility
               is  distinctly  higher.  Relative  poverty  levels  in  these  three  sectors  appear  to  be  associated  with  reproductive
               inequality shown  by  the  respective  fertility  rates.  Mean  CEB  has  declined significantly over  the  years,  starting
               substantial decline initially and the rate of decline has slowed down during the recent years indicating that Sri Lanka
               is approaching its low stationary stage. The analysis showed that urban and rural fertility approaches a convergence
               while estate fertility exhibits a different pattern by showing reproductive inequality only exists between urban/rural
               and estate sectors.

               1422 Spatial Analysis: Unmet Need for Family Planning, per Province in Indonesia

               Sugiarto Sugiarto , Din Nurika Agustina
               1 Poltek STIS, Jakarta, Indonesia.  Statistics Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights


               One of indicator that the Indonesia Government is referring to monitor the success of family planning programs is
               an indicator namely unmet need for family planning. In particular, unmet need for family planning indicator, that
               positioned  as  dependent  variable  in  this  study based  on  the  Indonesian  Demographic  and  Health  Survey
               2017, referred to the women who are in the fertile category and do not use contraception but have the desire to
               postpone subsequent births or do not want to give birth to children again/make birth restrictions. Furthermore,
               some independent variables that we want to examine the relationship between the dependent variable (based on
               results of the 2017 National Socio Economic Survey) are: average length of year school, percentage of birthplace
               assisted by health workers, percentage of women ever married of childbearing age (15-49 years) who did not use
               contraception, percentage of the population who had health insurance, also percentage of poor households. The
               expected outcome of this study, which both of dependent or independent variable has provincial level estimation,
               are:  descriptive  series  and  spatial  clustering  analysis  of  unmeet  need  for  family  planning  indicator,  also  the
               correlation between dependent and independent variable for a sharper characteristics analysis.

               796 Inequalities in Utilisation of Maternal Healthcare Services among Women in EAG
               States of India

               Rahul Kumar Jha, Rambabu Bhagat
               International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India


               3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights


               Maternal and Child Health are important segment of public health. MMR in developing countries were 462 per
               100000 live birth in 2017. The study examines the inequalities in utilization of maternal healthcare services among
               women aged (15-49) in Empowered Action Group (EAG) states and India. The study is based on NFHS-3 and NFHS-
               4 data. Multiple logistic regression analysis has been used to estimate the relationship of utilization of maternal
               health care with socio-economic characteristics. Concentration index and concentration curve have used to show

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