Page 127 - 5th APA Conference Program Book Final
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northeast India and among the socioeconomically disadvantaged groups.   Since Immunization is the best cost-
               effective lifesaver, it is imperative to disseminate knowledge and awareness on the importance of immunization
               among the vulnerable sections and in the regions with a low prevalence. Programs and policymakers should shift
               their concern from achieving ‘average’ lower  vaccination coverage to  ‘distribution’ of  the  schemes  among the
               neediest  groups.  This  unique  study  comprehensively  examines  the  dynamics  behind  the  variations  in  full
               immunization coverage and makes a solid contribution to the existing literature on health disparity determination
               in India. The results would help to identify vulnerable populations and  bridge the  socio-economic gaps using
               advanced statistical analyses and nationally representative data.

               1659 When Antibiotic should be taken: Evidence from the Kanchanaburi
               Demographic Surveillance System, Thailand

               Malee Sunpuwan, Sureeporn Punpuing, Wipaporn Jaruruengpaisan

               Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand


               13. Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness etc.)


               Inappropriate use of antibiotics causes antimicrobial resistance, which is a major concern for the shortcoming of
               antibiotics.  This  study  aims  to  assess  the  prevalence  of  antibiotic  use  at  the  household  level  and  the  factors
               influencing the knowledge on the condition for using antibiotics.

               The study employed the household survey in the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System (KDSS). The
               sample was 1,059 households. The use of antibiotics in the past month of the household member was assessed. A
               question  on  “When  do  you  think  should  antibiotics  be  taken? “  was  used  to  measure  the  knowledge  on  the
               condition for using antibiotics. The respondents were representative of the household. Logistic regression used.

               It was found that 27.8 % of households used antibiotics in the past month. Only 42.8% of respondents provided a
               correct answer for the condition for using antibiotics. Logistic regression shows that sex, education, occupation,
               having children under 5 years old in the household, and having members using antibiotics in the past month are
               factors influencing knowledge on the condition for using antibiotics.

               The  findings  suggest  that  the  program  to  increase  knowledge  on  the  condition  for  using  antibiotics  for  the
               community members in KDSS is necessary.

               1006 Sociocultural Risk Factors of Birth Size of Child in Ethnically Homogenous Tribal
               Population in India

               Rahul Bawankule

               International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai India 400088,
               Mumbai, India


               12. Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language

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